Simple Lifestyle Changes to Improve Heart Health
Looking after your heart is one of the most important things you can do for your overall well-being. Heart disease [...]
Breaking Barriers: Celebrating Inclusion on International Day of People with Disabilities
Every year on December 3, we commemorate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD). The United Nations created this [...]
The 10 Factors of Dialogue: Building Bridges for Our Shared Humanity (Why dialogue succeeds and why dialogue fails)
Mohammed Gaber - MEM Summit 2024 The Middle East Mediterranean (MEM) Summit in Lugano, Switzerland, held in November 2024, provided [...]
Mentor Me Project Manual
A manual to guide and support young refugees interested in cross-border national or European […]
The French government worried about the consequences of COVID on youth mental health
The crisis we are experiencing today is not only health-related, it is also economic and social. This is due to […]
The integration of young refugees: an important work to which international organizations and NGOs are committed.
Youth representing the majority of asylum seekers in UE
Young people are the people who make the most requests for asylums […]
The impact of COVID 19 on the most vulnerable populations, particularly women.
It has now been more than a year since the coronavirus 2019 appeared in Wuhan in Hubei province and then […]