3 Common Myths About Prostate Cancer: What You Need to Know

Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers across the world, yet it remains still remains commonly misunderstood. This lack of knowledge leads to myths and misconceptions, resulting in late diagnoses and treatment.

No one likes to think about cancer, but knowing the difference between fact and fiction could potentially save your life. Here are some of the most common myths about prostate cancer so you can stay informed.

Myth 1: It’s an old man’s problem

One of the most common myths is that prostate cancer only affects older men. This probably stems from the fact that only men over 55 are encouraged to get their prostate checked – but the reality is cancer doesn’t discriminate based on age.

While it is true your risk increases with age, particularly after the age of 50, younger men can also develop the disease. Around 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer, and a small number of these men will be under 50. Men of all ages must know their risks and consult their doctor about any worries.

Myth 2: Prostate cancer testing is dangerous

It may surprise you to learn that there is no NHS screening for prostate cancer. This is because a prostate-specific antigen test, or a PSA test, doesn’t give reliable results. False positives are common, which can lead to further testing that is unnecessary for patients. This has led to the assumption that all prostate cancer testing is unsafe.

While some testing for prostate cancer comes with risks, such as biopsies, these tests are more common for men with clear cancer signs. It’s far more common for men to receive an MRI before other tests. Remember, the decision to have a prostate cancer screening is always made alongside a doctor who will always steer you right.

Myth 3: Prostate cancer is a death sentence

This is probably the most common myth of all, and it’s true for several cancer types. When most people hear the dreaded C-word, they instantly assume the worst. It’s definitely the most frightening myth on this list, but the reality is much more hopeful.

Cancer survival rates are rising across the board. This is particularly true for prostate cancer, as it often grows very slowly. Many men with prostate cancer live long, healthy lives. The 5-year relative survival rate for prostate cancer is nearly 100% for men diagnosed with localised disease. The treatment options are growing, so it’s never too late to give up hope.


Prostate cancer is a complex disease, but understanding the truth can help you take control of your health. By debunking these claims, you can approach this topic with confidence.

Plus, there are always positive ways to tackle your anxiety around cancer. According to Dr Declan Cahill from London Bridge Hospital, small lifestyle changes can create the biggest impact. Eating more fruit, veg, and whole grains, less processed foods, and staying hydrated decreases your chances of developing cancer. While this isn’t a guarantee, you can rest easy knowing how to improve your chances of a cancer-free life.

However, it’s important to always talk to your doctor about your specific risks and the best strategies for prevention. Being informed is the only way to best manage your health.

You got this.

By | 2024-08-30T21:51:14+00:00 August 30th, 2024|Categories: Personal Stories|0 Comments

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Head writer and SILB

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