A call to Remember: Advocating Peace on the International Day of Peace

International Day of Peace This is more important than ever in an era of unprecedented challenges. There are new forces of division that are escalating intolerance and hatred. Violence is fueled by terrorism, and violent extremism aims to contaminate the minds of the impressionable and young. Natural disasters brought on by climate change are making already fragile situations worse in the world’s poorest and least developed regions, increasing forced migration, and raising the possibility of violence.

Every year on September 21st, the International Day of Peace is observed as a global reminder of the desire for peace, harmony, and non-violence that unites all people. This day, which was declared by the UN General Assembly in 1981, aims to encourage people to communicate, support the resolution of conflicts, and inspire individuals, groups, and nations to cooperate in the pursuit of a peaceful future.

The International Day of Peace was later established to be observed on September 21st of each year, although it was originally planned to fall on the first day of the General Assembly’s yearly session. Strengthening the ideals of peace within and between all nations is the primary goal. 2001 saw the UN


The International Day of Peace is commemorated annually with a theme that draws attention to pressing global issues. The theme “Actions for Peace: Our Ambition for Global Justice” for 2024 highlights the pressing need for group efforts to advance justice and peace in the face of growing inequality, climate change, and international conflicts. It emphasizes that social injustices and the establishment of justice are prerequisites for achieving lasting peace.

A peaceful world is greatly shaped by the youth. Change can be pushed by youth through activism, community involvement, and leadership in social movements. The UN Youth Envoy and organizations like YPEER (Youth Peer Education Network) are actively attempting to harness the creativity and energy of youth for peacebuilding initiatives. These organizations seek to raise public awareness of the value of social inclusion, equal opportunity, and human rights

Global peace initiatives are greatly aided by the UN and other international organizations. Disarmament, climate action, and sustainable development programs are all a part of a larger plan to avert hostilities and encourage peaceful coexistence. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially Goal 16, are concerned with fostering inclusive and peaceful societies, ensuring that everyone has access to justice, and creating strong, transparent institutions.

The situation in Palestine serves as a sobering reminder of the urgent need for communication, justice, and reconciliation, particularly on the International Day of Peace. For decades, Israel has committed crimes in Gaza and Palestine that violate international law. Generations have been deeply affected by violence, displacement, and loss of life. The ongoing humanitarian crisis underscores the need for renewed commitment to peace, marked by limited access to essential services, forced displacement, and economic hardship.

Palestine embodies the ongoing struggle for peace and self-determination as we reflect on the global call for harmony. A sustainable solution that allows both Israelis and Palestinians to live with security and dignity can only be achieved through justice, mutual respect, and open dialogue.

On this International Day of Peace, the IFYD team emphasizes the importance of global unity and collective action in addressing the challenges that confront our world. We remain committed to the principles of peace, human rights, and international cooperation.This day reminds us, achieving global peace requires concerted efforts from all individuals, communities, and nations. It’s a time to reflect on our shared responsibility to create a world where conflicts are resolved through dialogue, and everyone, regardless of background, can live in harmony. Peace may seem like a distant goal, but every action we take—no matter how small—brings us closer to a more just and peaceful world

The International Day of Peace serves as a reminder that all people, communities, and nations must work together to achieve world peace. It’s a time to consider our common duty to build a society in which disagreements are settled amicably via communication and all people, from all backgrounds, can coexist peacefully. Even while it may seem far off, every action we take—no matter how tiny—brings us one step closer to a world that is more just and peaceful.


Written by: Chems Eddouha Bouchikhi


·  United Nations. “International Day of Peace – 21 September.”https://www.un.org/en/observances/international-day-peace

·  United Nations. “2024 International Day of Peace Theme.” https://www.un.org/peaceday

·  UN Youth Envoy. “Youth, Peace, and Security.” https://www.un.org/youthenvoy/youth-peace-security/

·  UN Sustainable Development Goals. “Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.” https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal16

By | 2024-09-21T11:45:52+00:00 September 21st, 2024|Categories: article|0 Comments

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