Logo UNFPA Asia-Pacific Regional Youth Video Competition

UNFPA is hosting an Asia-Pacific Regional Youth Video Competition that will further recognize the key role of young people in tackling issues on SRHR and CSE. These videos will act as advocacy and awareness-raising to further strengthen policies and programmes of SRHR and CSE in the region. Furthermore, it enables them to showcase their solutions and inspire others.
Deadline: 15 October 2018
Notification Date: 22 October 2018
Event Date : 1-30 November 2018
Open to: applicants between 18-30 years of age from the countries: Afghanistan ,Bangladesh,Bhutan,Cambodia,China,Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, India,Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Japan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pacific Island Countries- Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu*,Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Viet Nam;
Award: USD 3000;round-trip travel to attend the share-a-thon in Bangkok, Thailand in November 2018
Young people constitute a growing proportion of the world’s population, with larger numbers than ever before. Globally, this age group comprises of over 1.8 billion young people of which the Asia Pacific countries account for nearly 1 billion . Young people are shaping social and economic development and building the foundation for the region’s future .
Yet, young people face many obstacles to achieving sexual and reproductive health (SRH), including lack of access to information and lack of skills to safeguard their well-being. Adolescent pregnancy is increasing in many countries in the region, contrary to global trends of decreasing adolescent pregnancy. Currently nearly 5 million adolescent girls give birth each year in the Asia Pacific region, with over 3000 deaths due to pregnancy or birth complications. Nearly 600,00 young people are living with HIV in the region with 300 young people infected every day. Both adolescent pregnancy and HIV can be prevented through comprehensive sexuality education with a focus on gender equality.
Harmful gender norms often assign rigid gender roles to men as providers and women as care givers, prizing physical strength, aggression and sexual experience in men, and submissiveness, passivity and chastity in women. Taboos about menstruation also influence young girls’ knowledge, attitudes and self-confidence at puberty. Harmful gender norms lead to acceptance of male dominance and violence against women including coerced sexual intercourse and rape. Gender based violence also occurs against others who do not conform to heteronormative masculine “ideals”, including men who have sex with men (MSM), and transgender and intersex people.Schools, which should be safe spaces for learning, have a high prevalence of school-related gender based violence, including bullying and psycho-social and physical violence.
Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) both in and out of school is critical for equipping young people with the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for fostering healthy relationships. Evidence has shown that curriculum-based CSE that includes a focus on gender and human rights can delay sexual debut, decrease frequency of sexual intercourse, decrease the number of sexual partners, reduce risk-taking, and increase the use of condoms and contraception.
CSE increases knowledge of one’s rights within sexual relationships and promotes the development of socio-emotional skills, such as interpersonal communication skills and decision-making, that are necessary for young people to express healthy sexuality and develop healthy intimate relationships. , Research shows that socio-emotional learning (SEL), a core concept of CSE, can also yield improved mental well-being (reductions in substance abuse, anxiety, depression, and suicide ideation), reductions in bullying and harassment and increased academic achievement.
CSE encourages young people to critically reflect on how social and cultural norms positively and negatively impact sexual behavior and influence gender roles in their communities.
- There is no entry fee;
- Must be 18-30 years of age;
- • Must be from the countries mentioned before;
- The video submissions can be short films, documentaries and animation and must focus on the Asia-Pacific region at any level (regional, national, local, institutional, policy, etc.) and produced by producers from the region;
- Productions will be accepted in English, or in the original or native language if accompanied by subtitles in English;
- Length of productions can be up to 3 minutes and will have to be professionally made according to broadcast standards;
- Only one video clip can be submitted per individual. The video clip should have been produced by the entrant and/or the entrant should have the unrestricted right to disseminate it;
- The video clip should be supported by a document file containing the script, title, location, and the producer’s name in English;
- Only high-resolution videos (minimal resolution of 720p), with good sound quality, will be accepted;
- The competition will not accept films produced by governments or development actors publicizing a specific project;
- The video should be the original work of the entrant and must not infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, and rights of privacy, publicity, or any other proprietary rights of a person or entity. UNFPA accepts all entries in good faith, and will not be held liable if a competitor violates these guidelines. If an entry is found to violate these guidelines, it will be disqualified;
- Please make sure any music or audio you use on your video is license free or you have acquired a license to use it;
- The entrant retains copyright of the film/s and product/s submitted, but agrees that UNFPA can use the film/s and product/s in perpetuity across multiple platforms, including websites, social media and any other platforms that currently exist or may be developed in the future. UNFPA will make every effort to acknowledge the entrants’ names alongside the film/s and product/s whenever they are used;
- The film should not feature or depict any specific commercial products, processes, services and political views.
- The total award value is USD 3000, to be shared by two winners;
- Round-trip travel to attend the share-a-thon in Bangkok, Thailand in November 2018;
- Assignment as a youth reporter: opportunity to work with the unfpa asia-pacific regional office with videos, articles and social media covering highlights of the meeting;
- The videos will be showcased in front of an international audience.
Applicants must submit their applications on 15 October 2018. For more info contact: youthasiapacificregion@gmail.com
For more information, please visit the official web page
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