The 10 Factors of Dialogue: Building Bridges for Our Shared Humanity (Why dialogue succeeds and why dialogue fails)

Mohammed Gaber – MEM Summit 2024

The Middle East Mediterranean (MEM) Summit in Lugano, Switzerland, held in November 2024, provided an opportunity to meet inspiring young change leaders representing different countries from the region. The diverse views and experiences from their unique walks of life […]

By | 2024-12-08T15:42:53+00:00 December 8th, 2024|Categories: Personal Stories|Tags: |0 Comments

Training course-International Conflict and Security

This project is organized by NGO Democracy and civil society Development youth Association (DDA). The project aims to promote peaceful conflict resolution, while engaging in an international dialogue. Globalization and global conflicts are a part of everyday life. By bringing together youth leaders from different countries and cultures, we hope […]